Sunday, November 04, 2007


Birkenau Concentration Camp

Krakow's old district is surrounded in small parks with beautiful old trees.

St. Mary's Basillica. The nuns come each morning at 11:45 to reveal the alter. I managed to miss this. We did however catch mass on the Feast of all souls

Cloth Hall (Sukiennice), the first shopping mall in the world (15 century).

"Rynek Glowny"
One of the largest squares in medievil Europe as old as 1257. The Town hall tower stands behind us.

On Bracka Street, hot chocolate lovers stop here.

Auschwitz concentration camp (the largest of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps)

Train back to Cracow from Auschitz.

Check out the pig and duck !! :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Final trip on the metro, San Francisco.

A path to Michelle's place, in the hills of Berkley

Photo shoot in San Fran

Mike and I keep an eye out for pirates.

Drew happily bathing with crabs!

An outdoor performance by the San Francisco Mime Troop

Picking plums at Bill and Michelle's place in Oceanside

Watch duty, Oceanside

The mission or Castro, I'm not sure. Anyone?


This was taken from the bus while crossing over a bridge. Below there were people washing and bathing. Posted by Picasa

Playa El Oregan, Hautulco. Posted by Picasa

Alex, Uli, me & Poncho, diving in Veracruz Posted by Picasa

Uli & Poncho, breakfast in Veracruz Posted by Picasa

Piramide del Sol - Teotihuacan Posted by Picasa

El Palacio - Mayan ruins, Palenque Posted by Picasa

Monte Alban, Anchient Zapotec Capital 500BC Posted by Picasa

Agabe plant, Oaxaca  Posted by Picasa

Iglesia de Santo Domingo Cathedral - 1570 Posted by Picasa

Oaxacan Chocolate. Rico!! Posted by Picasa

Teachers Protest in Oaxaca Posted by Picasa

Last few moments, market day in Octlan. Posted by Picasa

Tortilla for breakfast Posted by Picasa

Peppers gallore! Octlan market Posted by Picasa

Meat for sale - Octlan market Posted by Picasa

Baking - Octlan market Posted by Picasa