Sunday, January 15, 2006

Souther Laos

Spent a few nights in Tadlo buy the waterfall in a small bungalow. We went trekking with a local man who thought we were fit and healthy enough to climb to the tob of the 80m waterfall. It was really interesting on the way there. We passed through a few tribal villages and learnt about their traditions and daily routine. Wehn we reached the top we had a well deserved sandwich. Coming down was hilarious. Roisin had no grip and pretty much slid the whole way down.

Met lots of backpackers in Tadlo who looked like part of the furniture. The kids there loved to get their photos taken. Thought me how to write my name in Laos. Met a broken hearted Laos guy too.

From Tadlo we caught the bus to Si Phan Don (4000 islands). We planned on staying on Don Det but but it seemed to be full of tourist bungalows and lacked character. Im glad we took the boat to Don Khon. Found clean and basic bunalows there for 2 dollars a night right on the river with hammocks. Another girl Tamsyn from South Africa came along too.

From here we went to see the beautiful Somphamit Falls and hung out at the beach for a couple of days. We rented bikes each day and cycled our way around. Yesterday we saw the largest cascading waterfall in Asia. We didnt try to find the Irrawaddy dolphins at all. Met some very interesting people around this place including an Canadian woman Lynn, a German animator Ingo. Its so relaxed there. There were a few pet monkeys hanging about the restaurants which were cute. Lots of chikens, dogs, cats, goats, pigs you name it along the roadways.. none of them in any hurry.

This morning we left Don Khon and are back in Pakse. Im still with Tamsyn but Roisin decided to go south of Thailand for some more sun worshipping. said a quick goodbye and both of us were whisked away in our tuk tuks. Shes headed for Krabi her mecca.

Im taking the 8:30 bus to Vientiane with Tamzen tonight. Its VIP and Im already looking forward to a western film.

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