Thursday, January 19, 2006

Vientiane - Vang Vieng

Spent a day in Vientiane and basically saw enough in that amount of time. We saw the Golden stupa and their Arc de Triumph, visited the market and took the local bus to the Buddah Park. The bus ride was interesting. Learnt to count in Laos and Igot to taste lots of unusual fruit.

We stayed in a dorm 2 dollars per night which did the trick no frills :-)
Tamsyn and I ended up sharing it with some guy who'd come from Vang Vieng. He'd spent 4 weeks there after he was given some free pot for Christmas.

In Vang Vieng now. This place is lovely without the tourists Im sure, lots of large karst formations surround this place. Took my tube and headed off to the river with a few fellow travllers today. Weren't in the water 2 minutes and there was a stop in an alcoholic fuelling station. I had a good swing out of one of the rope swingy things which was deadly!!

There was a cave close by too, so we climbed up to that and walked to the end of it which was all lit up. Two local guys showed us the way. It was really wide and long. Took us about 20 mins to get to the end of it.

Back on the tube we got and travelled 50 meters to the next fuelling station.
When we were back on the straight it was getting cold so we started to hand paddle a bit faster. This young girl latched onto my tube (looking for money Im sure). After 15 minutes of straining to move down river I had to kick her to the curb.

Taking the bus to Luang Prabang tomorrow. Cant wait. This place is lacking culture and I noticed driving in, that the factory close by is emitting lots of shitty smoke that lies over this place.

Dont smoke grass or drink so Im getting out :0)

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